What Is the Dictionary Definition of Agreement


As a professional, I would write an article on „what is the dictionary definition of agreement” as follows:

Agreement is a term that we come across frequently in our daily lives. In simple terms, it refers to a meeting of the minds, which results in a common understanding or accord between two or more parties. It may be an informal agreement between friends or family members, or it may be a legally binding contract between businesses or individuals. Let us explore the dictionary definition of agreement in more detail.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, agreement is defined as „harmony of opinion, action, or character: concord.” This definition highlights the idea of mutual consent and unity of purpose that is essential to any agreement. It emphasizes the importance of parties coming together with a shared understanding and working towards a common goal.

Agreement can be expressed in various ways – verbal, written, or implied. It may involve a promise or commitment to do something, or it may establish the terms and conditions of an arrangement. The type of agreement and its terms will depend on the context in which it is made.

One of the critical aspects of agreement is that it is voluntary. It is not imposed on anyone and is entered into freely. Both parties must agree to the terms without any coercion or pressure. When an agreement is reached, it is generally considered a fair and equitable arrangement that benefits both parties.

Agreement is a fundamental concept in law, business, and personal relationships. It provides a basis for resolving disputes and establishing trust between parties. It also ensures that people honor their commitments and fulfill their obligations.

In conclusion, the dictionary definition of agreement is a „harmony of opinion, action, or character: concord.” It is a voluntary and mutual understanding between two or more parties that establishes the terms of an arrangement. Whether it is an informal agreement between friends or a legally binding contract between businesses, agreement is an essential element in any relationship.

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