Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement Housing Share


Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement Housing Share: A Comprehensive Guide

Living in shared housing can be an excellent option for those seeking affordable and social living arrangements. If you are considering a house share, it is crucial to understand the legal aspects governing your tenancy agreement to ensure that your rights are protected and that you are not at risk of violating any regulations.

One of the most common types of tenancy agreements for shared housing is the Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement (AST). This article aims to guide you through what you need to know about an AST housing share.

What is an Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement?

An AST housing share is a type of tenancy agreement that gives a tenant the right to live in a property for an agreed period while paying rent to the landlord. Typically, landlords use AST agreements for properties they rent out to individuals or groups of people who are not related. An AST agreement is usually for a minimum of six months, but it can be longer depending on the agreement between the landlord and tenant.

What Does an AST Housing Share Include?

An AST housing share offers a range of benefits and advantages to tenants. Some of the key features of an AST housing share agreement include:

1. Security of Tenure

One of the most significant benefits of an AST housing share is that it provides tenants with a degree of security of tenure. This means that as long as the tenant meets their obligations under the agreement, such as paying rent on time and not damaging the property, they can remain in the property for the duration of the tenancy.

2. Rent Control

AST agreements include provisions that regulate rent increases. Landlords cannot increase rent during the fixed term of a tenancy agreement unless the tenant agrees to the increase. Additionally, if the tenancy agreement continues beyond the fixed term or becomes a periodic tenancy, rent increases must follow specific regulations under the law.

3. Joint Liability

If you are living with other tenants, an AST housing share agreement will often create a joint tenancy. This means that you and your co-tenants are all jointly and severally liable for paying rent, bills, and any damages caused to the property. This arrangement encourages tenants to work together to maintain the property and ensure that bills are paid on time.

4. Deposits

Landlords may require tenants to pay a deposit, which will be held in a government-approved tenancy deposit protection scheme. The scheme ensures that your deposit is protected and can be returned to you at the end of the tenancy agreement if there is no damage or unpaid rent.

What are the Obligations of Tenants?

When entering into an AST housing share agreement, tenants have specific obligations that they must adhere to. Some key obligations include:

1. Paying Rent

Tenants must pay rent on time. Failure to pay rent on time can lead to legal action against the tenant, including eviction.

2. Taking Care of the Property

Tenants must take reasonable care of the property and ensure that it is kept clean and tidy. Additionally, tenants must not damage the property or allow anyone else to do so.

3. Reporting Repairs

Tenants must report any repairs needed in the property to the landlord as soon as possible.

What are the Obligations of Landlords?

Landlords who enter into an AST housing share agreement also have specific obligations that they must adhere to. Some of the key obligations include:

1. Maintaining the Property

Landlords must maintain the property and ensure that it is in good condition and fit for habitation.

2. Providing Relevant Documents

Landlords must provide tenants with a copy of the tenancy agreement, the government-approved deposit protection scheme details, and a gas safety certificate.

3. Protecting the Deposit

Landlords must protect tenants` deposits using a government-approved tenancy deposit protection scheme.


Overall, an AST housing share agreement can offer tenants security of tenure, rent control, joint liability, and deposit protection. As a tenant, it is crucial to understand your obligations under the agreement, and as a landlord, it is essential to understand your obligations. With proper knowledge of an AST housing share agreement, you can ensure that your tenancy runs smoothly, and you avoid any legal issues.

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